Try out our free online word converters below!

Capital Letter Convert

Use our free online capital letter convert tool below to convert letters into uppercase or lowercase.

Your converted text will appear here.

Other Word Converters

Wingdings Converter

Effortlessly decode and convert text with our free online Wingdings Converter, making it easy to transform symbols into readable content and vice versa!

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Cursive Converter

Transform your text with elegance using our free online Cursive Converter, effortlessly turning plain text into stylish cursive handwriting!

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Fancy Font Converter

Elevate your text style with our free online Fancy Font Converter, effortlessly creating unique and eye-catching fonts for any occasion!

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Stylish Font Converter

Give your text a modern twist with our free online Stylish Font Converter, effortlessly generating sleek and captivating font designs!

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Unicode Font Converter

Transform your text with ease using our free online Unicode Font Converter, creating unique and versatile fonts that work anywhere!

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Remove Text Formatting

Clean up your text with our free online Remove Text Formatting tool, stripping away unwanted styles for a plain and polished look!

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Bold Font Converter

Make your text stand out with our Bold Font Generator, effortlessly transforming your words into strong, eye-catching bold designs!

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Italic Font Converter

Add a touch of elegance to your text with our free online Italic Font Generator, effortlessly transforming your words into stylish, slanted lettering!

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Underline Font Converter

Underline your text with our free online Underline Text Generator, effortlessly transforming your words into striking, underlined lettering for maximum style!

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Capital Letter Converter

Make your text stand out with our free online Capital Letter Converter, change your words into uppercase lettering, lower or capitalize your sentences with ease.

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